News, opinions and chatter from meetings around the Monadnock Region
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
One more funny from Marlborough:
Marlborough resident Rita Grace, who is also chairman of the cemetery trustees, had only one thing to say about Article 10: "They gotta come down." The town agreed and up to $20,000 was set aside for the purpose of tree removal at the East Cemetery.
Officer Steve R. Berry shows voters a mountain bike, which was donated, at the town meeting.
Fitzwilliam meeting
Winthrop Brown, of Fitzwilliam, speaks to the ambulance issue.
No go for Nelson's Article 23
The 411
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I'll take that ...
Mark Funk and Marika Stuhlsatz take ballots from voters in Roxbury
a new ride
this is how you get to the town meeting in style in Roxbury
2008 images
Keene voters
too young to vote ...
maybe the stuffed animal?
Keene voting
Voters in Keene hit the polls this morning
Some pics from past years
Winchester, 2006
Michael Moore was in Nelson for its town meeting.
This photo was captured by staffer Amanda Borozinski
I love mango smoothies.
A true friend is one who brings you coffee.
I try to do three things in my life: trust god, clean house and help others. Try is the key word.
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